A New Project

If you follow me on Patreon, you know that I’ve gotten back into the habit of reading tarot. It’s a tradition of the women in my family that I let die for some years because of my own insecurities.

I always thought, to read tarot, you needed to be able to just look at the cards without any help or references and know exactly what they’re saying. Having dyslexia and dyscalculia means that asking me to memorize the meanings of a whole deck of cards is too much. It’s overwhelming and anxiety inducing. But that’s what I thought a good tarot reader did, so I obviously could never become a good tarot reader.

But I always wanted to be one. So last year I got my own deck and a new book and started doing some readings for myself. I decided, since I was doing it for myself, it didn’t matter if I needed to make notes and look up some references to understand the overall message or story the cards were telling me. I actually decided to do the same reading with two different decks just to check how I did the first time and the reading, amazingly, was the same.

I felt good about how I’d done. I liked the process I’d come up with for myself. So I thought, maybe I could read for others. I practiced more until I got the feel for my new deck and got my process down, then I offered a new reward on my Patreon tiers. Anyone pledging $15 or more got a monthly reading.

Now, after over a year, I feel really good about my tarot abilities. The process of interpreting the cards, reading the story they’re telling, has become more natural for me.

And then today, when I drew my weekly card for my Patrons, I drew a very particular card:

June 10 19

I’d been thinking about extending my tarot reading online, but had been hesitant to do so. Then this card turned up. The Ace of Wands is all about taking a chance on the new project, path, or class you’ve been thinking about. It doesn’t promise anything will work out, but it does say that you should try. So I’m gonna try.

If you’d like a tarot card reading, I’m offering offering online (through email) tarot card readings. There will be two types of readings:

  1. A One Card Draw for $5. This type of reading is good for some direction or inspiration for simple issues or day-to-day life. I offer this type of reading to all my patrons as a guide for the week ahead–you could use it for that too!
  2. A Spread for $20–general or focused on a question/issue (if you sign up as a Patron at the $15 level you’ll get a monthly reading, the discount is because you’d be a re-occurring client/patron). Depending on your question, it may be a simple three card spread, or it may be something more complicated, but I promise, it’ll be the same amount of effort no matter what.

I accept Venmo (preferred), PayPal (least preferred), and bank-to-bank supported by Zelle (preferred). If there is interest in me getting Kofi, I will look into it.

Venmo: https://venmo.com/Shauna-Granger

Paypal: paypal.me/thegrangers

Bank-to-bank supported by Zelle: shaunagranger82@gmail.com

Patreon: patron.com/shaunagranger

So, hit me up! You can email me at shaunagranger82@gmail.com with your requests and questions. Let’s see what the Fates have in store for you!