Housekeeping and Coupons!

So this week, Friday to be exact, I have a book releasing. This one was a weird one for me. I wrote it as a flash fiction exercise for my patrons over at my Patreon page. So it took a fair bit of editing once it was done. By the time I was done with it, I wasn’t even sure if it was a book or not.

But, my critique partners all assured me it was, in fact, a book. The three of them and my editor all seemed to have glowing things to say about it. So, I should feel better, but I’m still kinda like, what did I even write? This will be my 23rd published novel between both names and I’m still like, okay but am I any good at this?


Well, you can always voice your opinion if you want to grab a copy–you can pre-order now or buy it on Friday.

Paperback cover.png

Amazon Barnes & Noble | Smashwords Kobo iBooks

Add it on Goodreads now!

Speaking of getting a book ready, I’m plugging my professional critique services again. I have time in June to take on a couple of books, so if you want to hit me up, now is the time (though I’m happy to book you in advance for other months so if you want, just email me)! If you mention seeing this blog post, I’ll give you a 20% discount on the total price! I’m especially in the mood for some fantasy or cozy mysteries, but I’m pretty open to most genres. Just email me at shaunagranger82 @ gmail . com — Gimme something to read, y’all! My Red Pen of Death™ has been lonely!


And, since I’m mostly just reminding you guys of things, this week’s pledge-free Tarot Card Reading is live on my Patreon page. This week’s card is The Hermit.

Tarot May 28 18b

I offer these posts pledge-free so you can check out my page and see if you’d like to chip in and become a patron–levels start as low as $1!

That’s about all that’s going on right now. I wanted to make sure you guys were aware of all the Things. Can’t believe it’s almost June and half the year will be gone already. But hey! That means my half-birthday is coming!


Catching up… Again :-/

Oof. I knew it had been awhile since I posted here, but I had no idea it had been this many months. I am so sorry.


With the ability to cross-post on social media, my patreon page, and my posts over at the Spellbound Scribes’ page, I really thought some of those things had found their way over here. But obviously not.

It looks like I just dropped off the face of the earth here.

I’m sorry.

Well, if you’d like to do any catching up, I have posted about goings on over at the Spellbound page here.

One big development that I should share right now, right here, is the cover reveal of my upcoming release:

This is the companion novel to Dandelions (this is a prequel if you’re trying to keep track of the timeline), where we follow Gwen’s sister, Maggie, on her journey at the start of the apocalypse. I don’t have a release date just yet, but I will be announcing it very soon.

Secondly, I have been very good about being active on Patreon. If you want a sneak peek at Maggie’s story, I have been posting the flash fiction installments of this book for a while now. If you pledge just $3 a month, you can catch up on all previous posts and read the future posts as well!

Also, today I started a new adventure on Patreon. I am going to attempt to share a weekly tarot card, free to read, to help guide and inspire us for the week ahead. Today was the first post. You should check it out. Again, these posts will be public and no pledges are needed to see them.

Tarot March 12 18a

I promise, I will do better to post and cross-post here. I don’t know how I let this slide again. I guess I have too many things going on in my head, something was bound to get pushed out. Thanks for sticking with me though; I really appreciate it!


Working and Writing


Hello my loves! Happy almost Halloween!

I’m sorry I’ve all but abandoned you over here. It’s difficult to remember everything I’m committed to and sometimes, something gets left by the wayside. Too bad it’s my blog. I’m failing at Twitter pretty hard too.


But at least I’m still writing! I’m currently working on the outline for my NaNoWriMo project this year–the spin-off of the spin-off of my Ash and Ruin Trilogy. Was that confusing enough for you?


You’ll remember I released Dandelions, that was the first spin-off. In that story the main character’s sister is Maggie. Maggie wanted her own story. So I’m writing that. That’s the spin-off of the spin-off. I have the first act written, and if you’d like to read the rough draft of that you can head on over to my Patreon page and, with just a small pledge of $3 a month, you can read it and all the other fiction I’ve shared there and will continue to share (click the pic to be taken to my page!):

new patreon

If you pledge more, there are rewards that come with those pledges! I hope you’ll check it out.

I’m hoping to use NaNoWriMo to finish the rough draft of this book so I can focus on something new and witchy, inspired by my recent exploratory trip to Ireland. If you’d like to read about that, you can see what I posted over on the Spellbound Scribes’ Blog. You should follow us there! We’re a group of fantasy writers who post weekly about writing, reading, and all things bookish.

So, while I may forget to blog from time to time, know that I’m still working to bring you fiction and stories and words.



Catching up

I’m trying to be better about this space because I’ll forget about it for months at a time and then it’s awkward when I come back, acting like we’re cool, like I haven’t abandoned you for so long and am trying to pick up like it’s only been a couple of days.

So, with that in mind, I’d like to remind you that you can follow me on quite a few platforms outside of this blog. I’m usually much better about being active an vocal there.

We’ve got my FB fan page. I’m good about keeping people up to date about writing and bookish things there. And, I promise, I don’t spam post so I won’t be clogging your feed.

2017-07-28 11.03.48We’ve got my twitter feed. I’m far more outspoken there. I don’t shy away about my rage screaming over politics. If you like to keep art and artist separate and you don’t swing toward the liberal side of things, consider this your warning about my twitter space. I like the freedom I have there and I won’t apologize for it or anything I say or share there.

Then we have Instagram. Oh, I do love Instagram. That’s a lot of puppy pictures and what crazy hair color I’ve got going and food pics and coffee (lots of coffee) and of course, bookish stuff.

patreon bannerAlso, I have a Patreon page (with a new post up today!), where you can help keep me from being a starving artist with your monthly pledges. You can pledge as little as a dollar just because or you can pledge $3 a month and have access to all the exclusive fiction content I’m sharing (right now I’m posting the installments of Maggie’s [from Dandelions] story that will eventually become a real book, but you can read as I write), at a $5 pledge you get a free ebook of your choice each month and the rewards grow from there. Also, every patron gets their name listed in the acknowledgements of each book that releases as long as they’re a patron. I’d love to see that list of names grow.

spellbound widget invertedAnd, of course, we have the Spellbound Scribes. Through accidents and luck, I somehow became the moderator of this awesome group blog where I, and some awesome fantasy authors, post once a week on various bookish and writerly things. It’s very informative and helpful, I think.


Second to last, I have two manuscript critique slots open for August. I don’t have any time in September, so if you want to grab one of these two slots, now is the time. You can check my rates and philosophy on my Manuscript Critique page and contact me at shaunagranger82 @ gamil dot com. If you mention you saw this post, I’ll give you 10% off the total cost of the critique!

Finally, just to remind you, or tell you if you don’t know, the eighth Matilda Kavanagh Novel is set to release in September! Eeep! And you can preorder your ebook copy now at your favorite ebook retailer.


Pre-order links:

Amazon Barnes and Noble | Smashwords Kobo iBooks