Content Editing: Pricing

If you’re here, you’re looking for something more in depth than just a critique. If you’re not sure why you’re here, go back to this page and get caught up.

Remember, with a content edit you’ll get a critique letter at the end, but you may also get your manuscript back covered in suggested edits, bleeding with track changes. Gird your loins and be brave.

You can send your request to


Completed works:

Short Stories (2,000 – 7,500 words) – $100: Expected turn around time 1-3 days depending on the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novelettes (7,501-17,500 words) – $150: Expected turn around time 2-4 days depending on the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novellas (17,501 – 40,000 words) – $175: Expected turn around time 3-5 days depending on the length of novella and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 40,500 – 50,000 words – $185-200: Expected turn around time 5-7 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 50,500 – 60,000 words – $250: Expected turn around time 6-9 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 60,500 – 65,000 words – $275: Expected turn around time 7-10 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 65,500 – 70,000 words – $300: Expected turn around time 7-10 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 70,500 – 75,000 words – $325: Expected turn around time 7-10 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 75,500 – 80,000 words – $375: Expected turn around time 7-10 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 80,500 – 85,000 words – $400: Expected turn around time 7-10 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 85,500 – 90,000 words – $375: Expected turn around time 10-12 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 90,500 – 95,000 words – $400: Expected turn around time 10-12 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 95,500 – 100,000 words – $500: Expected turn around time 12-15 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 100,500 – 115,000 – $525: Expected turn around time 12-15 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Novels 115,500 – 120,000 words – $550: Expected turn around time 12-15 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.

Epic Novels 120,500 – 150,000 – $575-650: Expected turn around time 10-15 days depending on the length of novel and the amount of notes I need to type up for you.